Travelling with Sunflowers
Get to know us

Hi, I'm the creator of this travel resource, wife to J and mother of Fred and Charlie.
​My interest in travel began when my parents took me, aged 13, for a month long trip abroad. It was my first time out of the country and it blew my mind. Ever since then I have loved thinking about travel, reading about it, talking about it, planning it and of course, actually doing it!
I consider myself extremely lucky that my neurodivergent family seems to love going on adventures almost as much as I do. ​​​​​
When I'm not thinking about, reading about, talking about, planning or actually travelling then I'll either be out in my garden / allotment doing battle with the slugs or visiting the latest exhibition in one of London's many art galleries and museums.
After travelling, art is my second passion and I was fortunate enough to study it to Masters Level before the boys came along.
I am a Reiki Master and wellbeing practitioner. I teach mindfulness for carers.
I also love baking. Sometimes with the boys, but mostly on my own - that way I get to lick the bowl!

​J is my husband and best friend. He is also dad to Fred and Charlie. We met while travelling many many years ago, and adventuring together has defined much of our relationship. It makes us very happy that we have found a way to keep travelling together with our boys.
He has a great sense of adventure and is a brilliant sounding board - batting away my more ridiculous ideas but still supporting me to book trips that are interesting and a little bit different!​
He is a total foodie, loves discovering new music, playing guitar, discussing politics and philosophy and listening to podcasts on pretty much any topic!​
He's also a bit of a secret maths geek, which I have always found hilarious.
He is quite private though, so although you'll hear a lot about him, you wont see many pictures of him on this blog!

Fred is our first born and a ball of inquisitive energy! He wants to know about anything and everything.
He can talk non-stop, and occasionally drives me to distraction by asking questions all day long!
He is a wonderful big brother to Charlie, and enjoys going on adventures with him. ​​Fred is very creative, extremely observant and really loves travelling to new places and having new experiences, even though he can sometimes find change challenging. ​​
He prefers to be fully aware of plans in advance; surprises are overwhelming and we avoid them where possible. This means he likes to help me devise our trip itineraries, be in charge of his own packing list and come up with ideas for things to do.
We are still waiting to receive a neurotype identification for Fred. ​His favourite activities are talking and making things, and he is fascinated by everything to do with trains, planes and pirates!

​Charlie is our youngest son. His neurotype was identified as autistic in 2021. He is full of joy and fun, and loves to be active - running, dancing and jumping all day long.
His sensory seeking behaviours can certainly make life interesting for those around him, particularly when we are away from home!
Although he loves travelling and visiting new places he finds transitions challenging so we build in plenty of rest and down time to help him stay as regulated as possible.
He generally keeps his thoughts to himself, but when he does choose to share or comment on his experience it is always fascinating.
My neurodivergent family loves to travel!​ ​​While adventuring together is brilliant fun, there
are times when travelling together as a neurodivergent family is super challenging.
It would be so easy for us to stick to what and where we know, to hide away from
the judgements of others, to seek safety over adventure. ​​
But I truly believe that J, Fred, Charlie and I have the right to enjoy the
same opportunities for family travel as everyone else.​​​
And so does your family.​​​
Our incredible, resilient and passionate neurodivergent boys have so much to offer
the world, and so much to learn from exploring it.
As parent carers of autistic / adhd children it is vital we feel confident to take our place in society, to explore it with our families and experience the magic of adventure together.
We hope our Travelling with Sunflowers blog articles and travel resources
will inspire you and your family to ​
Travel the world
Believe in yourselves &
Adventure with confidence!​​
"If you go you know, if you never go, you never know."
​​(The Travelling with Sunflowers Family Motto!)​​​​​